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  • Writer's pictureMariel Megan Ross

Word at the Ranch - the latest news on all things Sterling Ranch

New artwork, Titan Road improvements, Sterling Ranch opening status, and more!

Check out the latest edition of "Word at the Ranch" featuring our friend Tom Martinez, Sterling Ranch's General Manager.

In his April edition "Word at the Ranch" video, Tom chats about the status of improvements to Titan Road. Big changes coming this summer!

Curious when the Sterling Center will open? How about tenants like Atlas Coffee and Grist Brewing Company? Tom touches on those hot topics as well.

As you'll see in the video, the second phase of Providence Village, as well as Sterling Ranch's second village, Ascent Village, are well underway. If you'd like more information on Sterling Ranch's future neighborhoods and potential amenities, check out this Roundup post - What's next for Sterling Ranch - 2019 and beyond.

Last but not least, Tom has a wonderful series of videos on the Sterling Ranch Youtube page you should check out if you're interested in learning more about community-specific issues.

Mariel Ross is a realtor who specializes in helping clients budget for, design, and build their dream homes. At Focus Real Estate we've helped clients build hundreds of new homes around Denver with Lennar, Parkwood, Richmond, Wonderland, and many other builders. Learn more about what I do here. If you'd like to chat, shoot me a note at and be sure to "Like" the Roundup on Facebook. The Sterling Ranch Roundup is powered by Focus Real Estate.

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