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Writer's pictureMariel Megan Ross

Titan Road - Traffic Update

Working jointly with Douglas County, Sterling Ranch is executing significant improvements to bring its surrounding roads up to current code standards. As you might suspect, given the sheer amount of construction in the community and the projected size of Sterling Ranch in a few years (12,000 new homes!), Sterling Ranch is committed to improving the safety and mobility of surrounding roads and is developing an internal road network to keep drivers, bikers and pedestrians safe. In short, upgrading the roads is a big, long-term project that will benefit everyone!

Titan Road Improvements

Commuters along Titan Road can expect potential one-lane closures between Tuesday (2/6/18) through Friday (2/9/18).

Visitors and residents of Sterling Ranch should expect the following road closures/transitions within the community:

  • Taylor River Avenue intersection CLOSED

  • Eagle River Road intersection OPENED

  • Right turn in and right turn out ONLY on Elk River Road

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