If you'd like to install a workshop, storage shed, or a kids' playhouse in your yard in Sterling Ranch, here are the CAB rules
A sample storage shed
I often field questions from my Sterling Ranch real estate clients about what they can - and can't - do to their homes and yards in Providence Village. We thought the Sterling Ranch Roundup would be a helpful forum to provide information about several of the frequently asked questions we've received. Keep in mind Sterling Ranch's rules and regulations, ownership guidelines, design review processes and standards, and so on are periodically changed and updated, so please always check first with Sterling Ranch's Community Authority Board (the CAB is Sterling Ranch's equivalent to a HOA) with respect to your specific question. In other words, don't rely exclusively on this Roundup post - ask the CAB or your realtor for the latest and great information. With that said, on to our first question!
Can I install a shed or a similar structure in my backyard?
According to the Sterling Ranch Residential Property Owners Guidebook (June 2017 version), if you want to install an "accessory building" in your yard you will need CAB Design Review Committee ("DRC") approval. An accessory building is any free-standing structure that's not connected to your home.
All of the accessory building's materials, such as the roofing and walls, need to match your home unless the DRC approves otherwise. Also, your accessory building can't exceed 8’6” in height (grading is taken into account with respect to this height restriction), and any utilities serving the building must be underground.
If you're thinking about installing a children's playhouse, good news. If the playhouse is less than 24 square feet and less than 6 feet in height, it's not considered an accessory building. Also, note that if you're thinking about installing a dog house or a gazebo-type structure, different rules may apply.
To obtain CAB approval, you can submit your request to the DRC via mail at 8390 East Crescent Parkway, Suite 500, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 or via e-mail to submit@sterlingranchdrc.com. The DRC meets twice each month March through September, and once per month October through February. The DRC has up to 30 days to review your submittal, so be sure to bake that into your project's timeline. Please contact the CAB for more information about what you need to submit when pursuing approval for your accessory building.
If you have a question you would like the Roundup to look into, feel free to e-mail me at Mariel@Focus-Realtors.com. As your Sterling Ranch real estate expert, I'm just as interested in finding out the answers to your questions as you are! We will continue to post FAQs, and answers to those FAQs, from time to time so please check back with the Roundup often!